Are you looking to make a change?
This course will help you to grow and succeed.
What is the Rebel Business School?
We make business possible.
Our FREE business courses show a new way of thinking and practical ways to get your business idea off the ground and how to sustain and thrive as a business. Whether you are at the beginning of your start-up journey, or you are an already established business, our course will give you the information, inspiration, and practical advice to teach you how to build and evolve your business.
How is the course free?
The course is free for you thanks to the support of Slough Borough Council . No one has EVER paid to attend a Rebel Business School anywhere in the world. NO Upselling. NO surprises. NO hidden terms and conditions. We promise.
Why should I attend?
If you want to take control of your life, in a full-time (but unsatisfying) job, if you’re unemployed and looking for the right path, been working on your own business for years, or are already established and want to find out how to become adaptable, our alternative method will help you to take action and make it happen.
Ready to take the first step and get un-stuck?
Click the button at the top of this page to register for your free ticket!
Event Details
Everything you need to know about the course.
LENGTH? 10 Days with a new subject every day.
WHEN? Monday 2nd – Friday 13th October 2023The Curve, William Street, Slough SL1 1XY
WHERE? The Curve, William Street, Slough SL1 1XY
WHAT TIME? 10am – 3pm [AM: 10:00 – 12:30] [PM: 13:30 – 15:00]
IS IT AVAILABLE TO WATCH LATER? The event is live, there is no recording but we will send out daily course notes via email. Please block out the time in your diary.
COST? Free (Yes, really!)
INTERESTED? Click the button at the top of this page to register for your ticket
Your Rebel Schedule
Here’s what we’ve got in store for you.
The Legal Bit
We work with local sponsors so that they can fund the event which means we get to give the online course away to you for free.
This means our sole effort is put into making sure that you get the most out of the course and that you get results.
We will not try and upsell you, we will not ask to take a percentage of your profit, all we want is for you to make massive change and build a business around your passion.
Find our Event Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy here –
Find our Rebel Terms and Conditions here –