The growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility is not only a global concernbut also a vital consideration for businesses of all sizes.
Top 10 tips to exporting
Explore our top tips for exporting
UKCA: What you need to know
The UK government has confirmed an indefinite extension to the use of CE marking for businesses. From the end of next year, certain products sold in Great Britain were due to have a new UK safety mark (UKCA). However, an announcement from the Department for Business...
UK Business Climate Hub
The UK Business Climate Hub provides net zero advice for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK.
UK Export Academy
Grow your international sales with the UK Export Academy
Business resilience in challenging times
The South Central Cluster of Growth Hubs are holding a series of three 20-minute webinars to help businesses during these financially challenging times.
Skills for Life – upskilling your workforce
Find training and employment schemes for your business
Hiring an apprentice
Apprentices are aged 16 or over and combine working with studying to gain skills and knowledge in a specific job. Find out what the benefits are and how to hire an apprentice.
Reading Internship Scheme
Does your organisation have a project that would be suitable for an intern to work on for a 4-8 week period? Then the Reading Internship Scheme could be for you.
Top tips for successful networking
Discover how networking might benefit your business