
HRCentral Limited

We provide Human Resources solutions for small business across the Thames Valley. We assist SME business owners and decision-makers in Companies that employ between 1 - 100 employees. We have been in business for over 13 years and love what
Tel: 0118 324 2526 or 07968 787182

We provide Human Resources solutions for small business across the Thames Valley. We assist SME business owners and decision-makers in Companies that employ between 1 - 100 employees. We have been in business for over 13 years and love what we do! We help with the whole HR lifecycle and will work by the hour  - no expensive day rates. For more information about us, and to see what our clients say about us, please visit our website. 

" Rebecca and her team at HRCentral have assisted us for a few years. Their professionalism and service are second to none. There is a 'can do' approach mixed with a lot of common sense in an area that can become overburdened in bureaucracy. I would not hesitate to recommend HRCentral."

We offer support on the following areas of Human Resources, we also have access to training providers, Occupational Health specialists, employment lawyers and a reference screening service:  

Computerised Human Resources Information systems:

A GDPR compliant cloud-based system with endless storage for HR Documents. We can help set your system up and upload soft and hard copies of documents. The system provides each employee with their own log in for self-service option. Also accessible via android phone and iPhone apps. Authorise employee holidays, record absence, run reports and so much more. You can record company property issued to employees such as keys laptops and any protective clothing items. Ideal also for performance management and recording expenses. Employees can take photos of expense receipts and upload them for your review and approval. Our system accommodates a variety of working patterns and contractual terms. Easy and instinctive to use. For a free trial to see how the system works. Use the following code: for 14 days of free trial.

Recruitment Solutions

We offer all our clients a complimentary branded ATS and discounted advertising. We source the best candidate for your role from a variety of sources, including headhunting, sifting through your advert response, and maximising your reach through social media outlets. No role is too small, we guarantee we will be more cost-effective than an agent. The Candidate experience is a really important element of what we do - we help you attract the very best candidates for your role in an increasingly difficult recruitment market.

We will write your job description for you and help manage the process from beginning to end.

Human Resources Conflict resolution

Conflict within a company’s workforce happens from time to time. HRCentral will step into these areas of conflict to help resolve the issues as quickly as possible, and with the minimum amount of fuss. Ignoring HR conflicts within a business will lead to larger problems and more conflict.

This can be the most distracting and time-consuming part of managing staff. We can take away the pain of managing your staff, and help you as a small business owner to resolve those workplace situations that detract from your operational role. We work with a number of law firms that can help draft agreements or support as necessary. Let us have those difficult conversations on your behalf, working in an SME environment where unpleasant discussions have to take place, is often awkward for business owners or decision-makers.

We can assist and support you through the problem with scripts, and dispute resolution.

Bespoke HR processes, documents, Policies and handbooks.

We charge by the hour for all hours used, so that we avoid any expensive day rates.

We provide bespoke employee handbooks, and Company policies to ensure that your employees fully understand what is required from them whilst at work. We can also devise performance management processes. Appraisals are one of the most time-consuming elements of being a people Manager, but they don’t need to be this onerous.

We can devise processes where you have the conversations and record the output without the lengthy paperwork trails. We get the employee to own the process - it is, after all their career. Call us to discuss your needs. Happy to take calls outside of working hours - we understand you are busy operationally running your business and may not have time, or be able to talk about HR issues during the day. 

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