
Icubes Tech Limited

icubes Tech are suppliers of Small Form Factor edge compute devices to many industries. We assemble and configure systems mainly from Intel
Tel: 01753 552222

iCubes was the brand name for UC Solutions Limited which was formed in 2003 in 2014 Icubes whilst still owned by UC Solutions traded under it’s own company Icubes Tech Limits, we have always been associated with reliability, flexibility, and punctuality in building high-quality bespoke PC’s. We build PC’s from the likes of Shuttle XPC, Intel NUC, Gigabyte Brix, Asus VIVO, Silverstone Mini ITX along with the sale of hardware/software from all major manufacturers such as Microsoft, Intel, Nvidia, ADATA, Kingston, and many more. We supply the latest edge computing devices to many Industries covering:

Aerospace & Defense, Energy – Utilities, Telecommunications, Agriculture, Art, Entertainment & Media, Automotive, Biotechnology & Pharma, Business Consulting, Commercial Aviation, Communications, Construction, Education, Energy – Oil & Gas, Engineering, Financial Services – Accounting, Financial Services – Banking , Food Services, Government, Healthcare & Well-Being, Hospitality, Insurance, Legal, Manufacturing – Chemicals & Chemical Processing, Manufacturing – Computers & Electronics, Manufacturing Operations & Industrial Machinery, Mining, Not For Profit, Real Estate, Retail – Apparel, Retail – Operations & Merchandising, Transportation – Logistics, Freight & Storage, Transportation – Rail, Transportation – Urban & Infrastructure, Robotics.

Customers can go on our website to see the range of devices that we offer and configure them for their requirements. Depending on the size of the rollout we work closely with our customers to supply test units until we get the configuration correct for rollout.

We provide solutions for a home office, small to medium business, corporate, and public sector through our online stores

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