

In 1997 the KnowledgePoint founders, Paul Gibbons and Andre Philpot recognised that training companies and companies that train are unique in terms of content management and revisions, having special and often urgent requirements for easy,
Tel: 1189181536

In 1997 the KnowledgePoint founders, Paul Gibbons and Andre Philpot recognised that
training companies and companies that train are unique in terms of content management
and revisions, having special and often urgent requirements for easy, quick and reliable
access to training materials.
With over 20 years' experience, KnowledgePoint continues as the preferred supplier and
adviser for training companies and organisations in education – bringing learning to life
for everyone with knowledge to share.

KnowledgePoint | CONTENT
An on-demand production and distribution service of training materials in both digital and
print format.
KnowledgePoint | SERVICES
Offerings include learning program design and management, technology platforms to run
and measure their success and vendor-led training channel enablement services.

Your learning material in a digital format and ready for studying,
notetaking and referencing online. All managed centrally and shared
securely to protect your intellectual property with strict version control.
We ensure your material is available anytime anywhere, through the cloud
or by mobile apps to enable learning to suit the student’s needs.
Our proprietary online delivery platform – MyLiveBook offers a highly
dynamic and flexible presentation of your training materials. Your
students can make notes, upload photos, highlight, bookmark content and
search content to support their learning experience.

Disclaimer: Berkshire Growth Hub does not recommend or endorse anyone listed within the Marketplace.
